The Truth does not mind being Questioned. A Lie Does.

How profound. Until recently I never had a reason for that saying to ring so true for me. In life I strive to always tell the truth and be honest in all matters of life. Turns out I have been living a lie for the 58 years of my existence. It is not really my lie but those of many people around me that for years knew the truth but would not share it.

There are many NPEs out there and even more people that are afraid to take the DNA tests out of fear that something will pop up. Is the discovery comfortable? No, not usually. But, for me the not knowing weighed much heavier than the fear of finding out the unknown. See I did not mind questioning the lies to get to the Truth.  It was important for me. Everyone’s desires are different, and the fears of the unknown are REAL!

For some of us it takes time to absorb and get to a point where there is no turning back. The Only way is Forward. Forward motion is not always easy because there are times when you take three steps forward and four steps back. That is part of the pain of learning about the past. In later post I will share the painful story of my two half-sisters and their reaction to my reaching out and the awful texts and phone calls that I endured, primarily by my half-sister, Donna.

It has been a year and she has still not spoken to me. I respect that even though I don’t understand it.

After cutting me off in any way and every way imaginable, I realized early on that I had no need for that kind of behavior or abuse. However, I was not going to quit or give up in finding my family.

Please know I still Love the family I grew up with and would not change a thing, other than being told the truth early on in life. TRUTH: they are the family I grew up with and they will always remain that way in my heart.  Nothing has changed that or ever will that I can foresee in the future. Not everyone is that fortunate and that is why there are groups to support all of us nor matter our walk in this NPE World.

A few statistics that I found through the Right to Know website are as follows:

79% of NPEs found out about their misattributed parentage from an over-the-counter DNA test

35% of adoptees found out in the same manner

75% of people they discovered the truth through DNA testing said they understand themselves better after knowing the truth about their identity.

These statistics hold true for me, and I am on a journey to learn the truth, share the stories and to help others in this life changing discovery.

Share your story with others and with me.

Question the Lies and the Truth will appear.  The Truth loves a great place to Land!

I look forward to hearing from you.



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