Denise Carver


“YOU CAN PRETEND” You got the news today News that I existed You argued that it wasn’t true But You Know in your Heart that it is… The stories you are hearing hit too close to home and ring too close to home to deny. Yet, you shut down Closed yourself off And then tainted […] Read more…


“The Climb” is a poem I wrote many years ago. As I go through my past writings it is obvious that the the feelings I was dealing with are REAL. During the discovery of my biological father and family (which will continue to be ongoing) I look back and the raw emotions that some days […] Read more…


Along the journey in finding my family the term “ghosting” has taken on an entirely new meaning or should I say “perspective”. Truthfully, I cannot ever recall “ghosting” someone. IF I have and you are the person I unknowingly did this to-I AM SORRY! There are many things that could be worse than “ghosting” but […] Read more…