If You Only Knew


Along the journey in finding my family the term “ghosting” has taken on an entirely new meaning or should I say “perspective”. Truthfully, I cannot ever recall “ghosting” someone. IF I have and you are the person I unknowingly did this to-I AM SORRY! There are many things that could be worse than “ghosting” but […] Read more…

“If You Only Knew”

Thank you for joining me! I have and continue to learn so much about myself, family, friends, human nature, and the true kindness, as well as cruelty of people, through the discovery of my biological family. So, you may be asking, Lezlee, how did you get to this point? What made you first start thinking […] Read more…

I Am Lezlee

It has been 2 years since I discovered with absolute certainty that my biological father is not my father. It has been one year that I learned the truth of who my biological father actually was (he is deceased). It has been a long 8-year journey of questioning family, friends and acquaintances and I have […] Read more…

The Climb

THE CLIMB What is in my way? A bump in the road throws me off balance Struggling to stay upright I hit my head, skin my shins, stumble forward and upright myself once more Only to trip again What is in my way? I do not fall to my knees I do not crater Nor […] Read more…

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