I have always felt a little different and at times like I didn’t fit in.

A piece of the puzzle was missing.

We have all probably had moments like this but, when it becomes years, self-reflection and steps for active healing need to transpire.

My story is not from a tragedy, and I did not suffer at the hands of someone abusive or violent. I am an ordinary person dealing with maybe a few extraordinary issues, but I am no different than the next gal or guy.

This is a story about following your gut and when you know something is not right and you want to know the truth then stick with it and don’t give up. This story is a little unusual but after a 12-year journey I have discovered that though it may be unusual it is an all-too-common occurrence these days. The birth of DNA technology from such companies as Ancestory.com and 23andMe has turned many a family upside down.

Changing the names to protect the innocent? Nope! Not on my watch. This play unfolds with good guys and bad guys, and they all need to be given their proper credit. We all make choices in life but when we make choices that have the ability to hurt others is when the right to “hide from the truth” is no longer an option on the table. Everything is being shared with you to the best of my knowledge and the facts as I know them. There is no intent to hurt anyone or open wounds but the truth is not always easy so there will ultimately be some that people that will be upset.