A lone bird soars through the sky

Making me consider the quiet moment I am sharing with nature

What is she thinking?

I need to find a mate?

Or is she just glad to be alone?

Alone with her thoughts, freely leaving all behind

Loving the chance to not be responsible for anything

A chance to escape the day-to-day duties that clip her wings, her thoughts and her dreams

Is she running away or flying to a better place? A more beautiful destination?

Or is she returning to drudgery and sadness that she cannot escape?

Perhaps she knows nothing of what else is out there

So, is she returning to what she has always known or has been expected to be?

Or has she decided on a different path and a way to break through the boundaries?

Here is what I am thinking

Whether she is black, white, gray, yellow, brown or green she is like all of us

Soaring to new heights

The color of the skin (or feathers) does not matter.

It is what is inside of us and how we want to impact this world that is important

As the bird soars she is not thinking about past atrocities of her forefeathers

She is thinking of survival and probably not about bringing others down that don’t look like her

Maybe she is thinking about survival and getting back to protect those in her nest

And when we think about it are we not all in this nest called Life together?

So like the bird that soars

Let go of the negative and preconceived notions inbred in the heart and soul

Fly freely with love for others