This behavior ebbed and flowed through the years, but it happened less and less until right before my 46th birthday. Another piece of the puzzle fell into place and opened the doors of my mind to the possibility there was way more to my story than I had been told.  At the funeral of my stepmother, Nan Ballard, one of her sisters approached me and exclaimed “Oh Baby Lezlee, we finally get to meet you! We have wanted to meet you and your parents would never let you come and be with us.” Dumbfounded was the first reaction. Pissed was the next.

You mean there is an entire group of women and men that wanted me to be a part of their family and for some unknown reason I was not allowed to partake in that love? This made no sense and the questions that I had smothered deep within me started bubbling to the top once again. There was some reason and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. However, it seemed time after time I was being stonewalled and the denials continued.

In telling my mother the story she acted appalled and says that none of this is true. I could have seen my stepmother’s family any time. They just never asked for my brother, and I to visit. This was completely contradictory to what I had just been told by my stepmom’s baby sister and I knew, without a doubt, in my heart and gut, that I was absolutely being lied to and being a mushroom is not one of my favorite things. I had enough of being fed shit and kept in the dark.

So, I started my own search and what I found ended up becoming the publication “If You Only Knew: Navigating DNA Surprises & The NPE World (Not-Parent Expected)

*Available on Amazon and Kindle