I have several topics that address the financial challenges in our daily lives. I am comfortable giving these talks in front of audiences large and small, and I would love to come to your group or organization. Please contact me  or call (817) 999-2463 for more information and scheduling.

“Trash Talk”

We must get a handle on every day spending. Most of us go through each day never thinking about what we spend. A soda, coffee, pack of cigarettes, fast food for lunch…the list goes on and on.

Lezlee uses basic logic in helping audiences identify where they waste money and the areas that can be modified in order to save money. The definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Change must occur to get obtain a different and better situation. Identify the problem, change the behavior and see the positive results. This holds true with every aspects of our lives. We all know this and hear it constantly. However, taking action is a completely different story. Take action and make the necessary changes.

“Trash Talk” actually asks you to look at your trash and make it turn into treasure. By identifying what one can eliminate in their life can make a significant difference, financially, emotionally and spiritually. These spending habits add up to Big Money that you could be saving. Look in your trash and see what you have spent this week. Curb those urges and put that $50.00 or more in the bank for something special–like retirement!

“Myth of All or Nothing”

Most people have the belief if they cannot do something All Out then they will do Nothing. This thought process is consistent with many things in our lives-Saving Money, Exercise, Investing, Buying and Selling Stocks, Purchasing a Home…you get the idea.

Just think about it. You want to have one entire hour to dedicate to exercise today. Yet, you only have 30 extra minutes. We justify in our minds that if we cannot do the entire hour then it is not worth it so, we do nothing. The “Myth of All or Nothing” asks the question, “Isn’t something better than nothing?”

We often look at saving and investing in the same convoluted way. Lezlee hears often, “I do not have an extra $1,000 dollars a month to save.” However, do you have $25, $50 or $100 that you would not miss if it went directly into savings? Most of us actually have this type of money; yet, we ignore the fact that we can make it work for us. This takes us back to our “Trash Talk” discussion. Check your trash and Lezlee Logix promises you have this money stored in your trashcan just waiting to be put into the bank.

You do not have to exercise for an hour a day, save big money every month or sell all of your stock at once to make an impact. Small Steps in these areas add up to great rewards. Start somewhere–small, medium or large. Just Get Started!

“The 3 F’s-Females, Finances and Fun”

Yes, we can combine all of these factors with success and have fun doing it! Make saving and understanding finances a game. Understanding where we spend money and what we can do to save can change our lives. It is fun when you watch your accounts grow and are finally able to purchase what you want and need to own.

Lezlee appeals to women to learn more about their finances and where money is being spent in their household. Women are often the ones paying the bills and juggling the household budget. However, more often than not, when discussions begin to lean toward investing, purchasing life insurance or making any type of financial decision, females either dodge the discussion or defer the decision back to their spouse. What we see more and more is that the spouse really does not understand the information either, and is afraid to admit it. Not until something drastic happens do women realize that they are in a bind or the decisions made do not provide for them for the future.

Between 1980 and 2000, the number of households headed by unmarried omen increased by approximately 10 million. These women do not have anyone to depend upon to make these decisions so you must learn how to protect yourself and your family for the future.

Get involved, you are smart and can easily understand the information. Knowledge is Power-Empower Yourself!

“Never Too Early”

Parents has a responsibility to begin teaching their children the value of the dollar early in life. The problem today is that children are given material opportunities and they often do not appreciate what it took to provide those opportunities for them. There are fun and easy ways to begin teaching children responsibility, work ethic, saving and appreciation for money.

We want to always give our children “more than we had.” We may not have had everything, yet we turned out OK. So why do we think today that we must give our children everything without making them work for it?

Paying kids for doing chores is not what we are considering as work for pay. Chores are just what they are “chores” that need to be completed daily. No one pays us for living day-to-day and taking care of ourselves, homes and clothing. So why would we develop a habit of paying children for maintaining these responsibilities?

Being paid for work is what we want to consider. Add extra odd jobs for your children to make money and help them create a budget, especially when they want to buy something special. For example: I have to do X amount of jobs for X amount of money to buy a new XYZ. Getting children to set goals early in life only helps them to achieve short and long term goals in the future.

Remember that they do not need a 2006 Mustang convertible to get around. The insurance alone will cost more than the car payment. A 2003 Honda Civic works just as well and makes more sense, financially and for safety purposes. If children are given everything they desire then what do they have to look forward to in their future? Why would they want to work if it is all provided?

You are not punishing them by doing these things. In fact, you are doing them a huge favor. Some day they will thank you for allowing them to create their own self-worth and independence.